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What Happens When You Die? Unlike Most People, I Know. People Are Manipulating Their Family Photos in a Weird New Way. And LW should take a more hands-off approach to hookups. A much bigger issue than the milk question.

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Because once someone accepts a hook-up from a friend, then they need to be responsible enough to manage the fallout. That’s the least he can do under these circumstances. I mean, it’s totally fair for the co-worker to say, “This is weird and I want no part of it.” But let him tell the LW’s friend why he’s not going to ask for a second date. But to your point, if this was someone the LW’s co-worker was really into, ordering a glass of milk at the bar would be a cute little quirk they tell their family friends about someday. That’s very fortunate for both of us because I think we’re mostly enjoying this relationship lol. Also, I don’t hold your coffee addiction against you. Joel: Thanks for tolerating my (apparently) childish choices of beverage. You drink chocolate milk and don’t like coffee-all things that have inspired me to accuse people of being 5-year-olds in the past-and barely consume alcohol and I still married you! So this single male co-worker simply didn’t like the letter writer’s single friend enough. I do have strong opinions about beverages but here’s my thing: If you really like a person, you’ll let it go. Jenée: Connecting it back to the issue at hand. You’ve clearly got some very problematic views of what constitutes maturity and we don’t have enough time here to get to the bottom of it! But this demands follow-up at some point. Joel Anderson: We don’t have to go too deep here, but you’ve also previously criticized men for ordering hot chocolate on coffee dates. Jenée Desmond-Harris: This was funny to me because I just recently told you to “stop being a child” and trade your beloved energy drinks for coffee. Read Prudie’s original response to this letter. Should I tell her why she won’t be hearing from this guy again, so she can reconsider ordering milk on dates in the future? Should I tell him how ridiculous he is for judging someone for something so petty? Now my friend is neither a big drinker nor a teetotaler-just someone who’s going to order what she wants without worrying about what others think. He found this so clueless and childish that he couldn’t imagine being with her. He told me they went to a swanky bar, and she-wait for it-ordered a plain glass of milk.

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My friend has been bewildered by her difficulty in finding a steady relationship, so I pressed him as to why. On Monday morning, I asked my co-worker, and he said my friend was attractive and a nice person, but he wouldn’t be asking for a second date. Immediately after their date, my friend thought it had gone well and was very excited. I really thought they’d make a great couple. He’s a sharp guy who’s traveled the world and knows all about fine foods, wines, classical music, designer labels, etc., and she’s a stunningly beautiful and intelligent artist. I (a married woman) just set up a single male co-worker and a single female friend of mine on a blind date. This week Jenée Desmond-Harris discusses her response to “Dairy Disorder” with fellow Slate writer (and also her husband) Joel Anderson.


Each week, Prudie discusses a tricky letter with a colleague or friend, just for Slate Plus members.

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