Swim time converter shark
Swim time converter shark

Wang, K.G.: Long-time-correlation effects and biased anomalous diffusion. Sims, D.W., Southall, E.J., Humphries, N.E., Hays, G.C., Bradshaw, C.J.A., Pitchford, J.W., James, A., Ahmed, M.Z., Brierley, A.S., Hindell, M.A., Morritt, D., Musyl, M.K., Righton, D., Shepard, E.L.C., Wearmouth, V.J., Wilson, R.P., Witt, M.J., Metcalfe, J.D.: Scaling laws of marine predator search behaviour. Serva, M.: Scaling behavior for random walks with memory of the largest distance from the origin. Schütz, G.M., Trimper, S.: Elephants can always remember: exact long-range memory effects in a non-Markovian random walk. Murase, K., Fujiwara, T., Umemura, Y., Suzuki, K., Iino, R., Yamashita, H., Saito, M., Murakoshi, H., Ritchie, K., Kusumi, A.: Ultrafine membrane compartments for molecular diffusion as revealed by single molecule techniques. Möhle, M.: The Mittag-Leffler process and a scaling limit for the block counting process of the Bolthausen-Sznitman coalescent. Simply enter your time, course and event, then click Convert. You may also enter an altitude adjustment to the conversion. Kürsten, R.: Random recursive trees and the elephant random walk. The Swim Time Converter converts your swim times between short course meters (SCM), short course yards (SCY) and long course meters (LCM) using Colorado Timing’s conversion factors. A study of anomalous properties using an NMR field-gradient technique. Klammler, F., Kimmich, R.: Geometrical restrictions of incoherent transport of water by diffusion in protein or silica fineparticle systems and by flow in a sponge. Janson, S.: Limit theorems for triangular urn schemes. 58, 053303 (2017)ĭa Silva, M.A.A., Cressoni, J.C., Schütz, G.M., Viswanathan, G.M., Trimper, S.: Non-Gaussian propagator for elephant random walks. 22, 732–737 (2009)Ĭoletti, C.F., Gava, R., Schütz, G.M.: Central limit theorem for the elephant random walk. Aqua Large Stingray Glider - Single Pack - Underwater Pool Toy with Adjustable Fins Travel Up to 60 Feet - Navy/Light Blue. Ĭhlebus, E.: An approximate formula for a partial sum of the divergent p-series. This item: Prime Time Toys Diving Masters Sharkpedo Underwater Glider Toy, Green.

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arXiv:1709.07345 (2017)īoyer, D., Romo-Cruz, J.C.R.: Solvable random-walk model with memory and its relations with Markovian models of anomalous diffusion.

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A 51(1), 015201 (2018)īercu, B., Laulin, L.: On the multi-dimensional elephant random walk.

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īercu, B.: A martingale approach for the elephant random walk. Probab 20(98), 1–20 (2015)īaur, E., Bertoin, J.: Elephant random walks and their connection to Pólya-type urns. Baur, E., Bertoin, J.: The fragmentation process of an infinite recursive tree and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck type processes.

Swim time converter shark